Newstrike AGM Report

Newstrike AGM Report

17th February 2011

The meeting was well attended with all the directors, the CFO Salvador Miranda, and about 5 shareholders along with the scrutineer and a lawyer type or two.

Quorum was achieved with 10,235,000 shares represented between 26 shareholders in person or by proxy.

Everyone was welcoming and friendly and I had met everyone on the board with the exception of Ken Thorson. I am very impressed with each of the directors and the company as a whole.

The directors were elected as per the information circular namely Richard O’C Whittall, Kevin Rathburn, Ken Thorson, and Robert Withers.

The formal part meeting was led by Richard and was executed quickly.

Following the formal part of the meeting Richard led a discussion of the current status of the company. The recent financing has led to a very comfortable cash position of over 20 million dollars in the treasury. The financing was very well received and in fact demand exceeded the financing by about 7 million dollars with the books closing in only an hour! The full greenshoe was allotted for a total gross proceeds of $17.71 million.

There was no warrant attached to the financing and as a shareholder I commend and respect the board for keeping the dilution to a minimum. One of the buyers of the financing was Sun Valley Gold.

Sun Valley Gold LLC is a privately owned hedge fund sponsor. The firm primarily provides its services to pooled investment vehicles. It also caters to corporations. The firm invests in the public equity and hedging markets across the globe. It typically makes its investments in metal mining projects employing a quantitative analysis. The firm employs a fundamental analysis with a bottom-up stock picking approach to make its investments. It uses relative value long and short investing and a merger and convertible bond arbitrage strategy to make investments in private equity, and pre-public equity. Sun Valley Gold was founded in 1990 and is based in Ketchum, Idaho with an additional office in Vancouver, British Columbia.

There are currently 2 drills working on the property at a burn rate of about 250k per month each with a per meter cost of about $105. They are working on hole 32 on an expanded program of 8000 meters. The current deposit now has a surface expression of 500 meters by 1200 meters. To date each and every hole is mineralized.

The road system is being built to accommodate drilling of the deposit. This means that the deposit will dictate where roads are cut and wisely the road cuts will be sampled as if they were trenching to cut costs and reduce unnecessary work of building roads and then cutting trenches. The company will not cut corners and is very methodical in its pursuit of this deposit.

The deposit is looking very much like the deposit of Torex Gold. Ana Paula is a skarn porphyry with a second overprinting of gold mineralization. Gold is found in the intrusion as well as in the contact zone with the host rocks. Gold concentrations in the intrusives are very consistent along with higher grade lenses of skarn and breccia. The whole area is faulted and fractured which has led to the transport of the gold bearing fluids throughout the area of interest.

The geological team is very happy with the results so far and knows that Los Filos is a very profitable mine owned by Goldcorp at a gold grade of around .68 grams per ton and a cash cost of 425 to 450 per ounce. So far Ana Paula is exceeding this grade with a very easily mined deposit right on the surface!

I am very comfortable having a large investment with this group. They are very aware of the float and will not dilute without reason. They are spending the money they have very wisely and want to prove up as many ounces as they can with the goal of selling or partnering later on down the road.

It is my opinion that Ana Paula represents the newest deposit in the Guerrero Gold belt well known for having deposits in excess of 3 million ounces! The market is obviously catching on to the potential here, and elsewhere on Newstrike’s massive landholding surrounding the AP deposit.

It is thought that there is a series of intrusions leading from AP to Apetlanca to the North East. An airborne geophysical suite is slated to fly later this year to determine the potential of this hypothesis.

I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to the Newstrike team, both in the offices and on the ground for making this investment one of my largest wins with the greatest potential still to come. I commend their commitment to shareholders and dissemination of information to the public through an excellent website that is updated often and with very useful and detailed data.

I hope I haven’t forgotten anything, and if anyone has questions I will do my very best to answer them.

Warmest regards

Caliche Bahada

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